Weather youre a first time buyer, first time seller or have had multiple real estate transactions, I am here to assist you in meeting your goals. One of the most common questions I hear from home buyers and sellers is; Where do I start≠ My answer to that question is this; It starts with first determining what your goals are. With that, together we discuss the numbers, time frames and what you are comfortable with regarding the process of buying or selling. I along with my husband Louis have purchased and sold several homes of our own throughout the years and had found in many cases we felt a bit pushed around and neglected when it came to getting the right answers to our questions. We knew we deserved better, others deserved better and agreed that we would make it our mission go the extra mile when it came to helping others in real estate and well; in all aspects of life with those we came in contact with. Having owned a food brokerage company as well as launching products for national distribution, I have a deep understanding of what it takes to bring buyers and sellers together and balance the outcome to favorable results for my clients. When the time came to make the decision on where to hang my Real Estate Sales License, Century 21 Results Realty Services was a no brainer. Our team players and agents are some of the brightest minds available when it comes to a strong knowledge base and MAKE IT HAPPEN attitude. If you are ready to start the process in your first or next real estate transaction, lets schedule a meeting, discuss your wish list, put a solid plan together and get you in the game.